CISC106 Section 11
General Computer Science for Engineers
Fall 2015
Meeting Time and Place
Section 11
Lecture: Mon Wed 8:40 - 9:55 in Brown Lab 206
Lab (30L): Tues 9:05 - 9:55 in Spencer Lab 010
Lab (31L): Tues 10:10 - 11:00 in Spencer Lab 010
Andrew Novocin
Office Hours: Mon 10-11:15, Tues and Thurs 8:30-9:15 in Smith 439
Bagel Office Hours: Thurs 1-2 at Newark Deli & Bagels
Empowerd Coding: Frid 1-5 in Lerner Trading Lab
Lei Huang
Office Hours: Thur. 1PM - 3PM in Smith 201
Mark Barbera
Office Hours: Fri. 11AM - 1PM in Smith 201
Luke Szewczak
Office Hours: Wed 2:30PM - 4:30PM in Smith 201
Super Powers I want you to gain
- Code Vision: see everything as a process
- Business Mind: imagine automagic tools everywhere
- Python Armor: add Python3 to your resume
- Telekinesis: use your brain to move sprites around a screen
- Matrix-esque Skill Download: we will install the following notions:
- Program Design
- Flow Control
- Variables
- Functions
- File IO
- Lists
- Strings
- Dictionaries
- Classes
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Recursion
- Polymorphism
- Graphical User Interfaces GUIs
- Modeling
Opportunities to be evaluated, make adjustments, and grow:
- Two midterm tests 15% each
- One final exam 20%
- Two group projects 10% each
- Five Homework assignments 2% each
- Ten Lab Assignments 1% each
- ~20 daily challenges .5% each
Your final grade cannot be more than one letter grade higher than your test average.
Tentative Schedule:
- 09/01 Lab 1
- 09/08 Lab 2
- 09/14 HW 1
- 09/15 Lab 3
- 09/22 Lab 4
- 09/28 HW 2
- 09/29 Lab 5
- 10/06 Lab 6
- 10/14 Test 1
- 10/19 HW 3
- 10/20 Lab 7
- 10/27 Project 1
- 11/03 Lab 8
- 11/09 HW 4
- 11/11 Test 2 (Practice Test
- 11/17 Lab 9
- 12/01 Lab 10
- 12/08 Project 2
- 12/10 CISC Showcase!
- Final exam 12/14 10:30am-12:30pm Brown 206
Helpful Resources
So I know that we are facing some difficult tasks everyday in class: just jumping, in embracing the
discomfort, and flailing around until things make sense. (If I haven't told you my dark room analogy for learning
technical material ask me to when you read this line.)
In light of that, here are some resources you might find very helpful in trying to find your way around these
magic words:
- A Python3 Cheatsheet.
Cheatsheets are very dense reminders of all of the notational aspects, you can google many others. If you look
at this now, you can make it your goal to understand every part of the cheatsheet and then work through it slowly.
- How do I learn Python FAQ on
Quora. There are tons of great books, resources, and bits of advice for people learning Python. Both from
scratch and if you know some other language and are switching.
- How to think like a computer
scientist. This is a great book on learning python, free, interactive, and online. It is listed in the Quora
FAQ along with many other great resources.
- Pick a small topic, google it, read about it, think about it, imagine applications for it, and understand
everything about it for one day. We can only move one day at a time, so if you want to master one tiny aspect
at a time it might help to have a core foundation at your mental fingertips.