Notes for CISC 106
- Getting started with Python (This includes the first Daily Challenge)
- HW1 due September 14:
- Write a program that asks the user for their name and which displays the results of "The Name Game" when played with their name.
- Write a program which tells the time.
- Functions, Loops, and String Formatting (This includes the second Daily Challenge)
- True/False, If, Elif, Else, Logic (This includes the third Daily Challenge)
- Pseudo-Code, Thinking out a big task (This includes the fourth Daily Challenge)
- Lists, Contracts, Assert (This includes the fifth Daily Challenge)
- Dictionaries (This includes the sixth Daily Challenge)
- Local Scope (This includes the seventh Daily Challenge)
- Guest Lecture: Turtle Tic-Tac-Toe
- Aliases and Copies
- Review: Code Golf (for prizes!)
- Loops reloaded: Recursion
- Advanced Recursion
- Sign-up for a presentation slot
- In-Depth iterables
- Generators and Functional Coding
- File IO mini-lecture
- Code-Golf 2
- PyGame (an aside)
- OOP-lite
- Intro to MATLAB
- Project Check-in Day
- Big-Oh, Ballpark Analysis, Sorting Algorithms
- Semester Review and 40 Speed Problems